
Информация о стране

В разработке

Full name of the country: Republic of Azerbaijan
Area: 86,600 sq km.
Population: about 9.6 million
Capital: Baku
People: 90% - Azerbaijanis, 2% - Lezgians, 1.3% - Russians, 5.1% - other nations
Language: Azeri
Religion: Moslems, mostly Shiites.
State system: republic
Branches of national economy: natural gas and petrochemical, metallurgical, cotton cleaning.
Major cities: Ganja, Sumgait , Mingechevir, Lankaran, Agdam, Nakhchivan, Khachmaz, Quba, Shamakhi
Natural resources: oil, gas, copper, polymetals, alunites, gold
Main agricultural crops: cotton, fruits, silk National currency - Azerbaijani manat.